Sir Ken

Tributes have been paid to the late Sir Ken Morrison

Tributes paid to Sir Ken Morrison who has died

By Michael Stones

Tributes have been paid to Sir Ken Morrison, who turned a small family grocery business into one of Britain’s biggest supermarkets, after his death at the age of 85.

Dalton Philips’ £1M cash bonus was ‘severely out of line’ with shareholders’ experience: ISS

Morrisons may face revolt over Dalton Philips’ bonus

By Michael Stones

Morrisons could face a shareholders’ revolt at its annual general meeting (agm) later this week over its decision to pay former ceo Dalton Philips a £1M bonus, after a share advisory group slammed the decision “as severely out of line”.

Morrisons boss David Potts has a new to-do list

What Morrisons’ new boss should do next

By Michael Stones

In case Morrisons’ new ceo David Potts was looking for inspiration to revive the flagging fortunes of the Bradford-based retailer, an article in The Telegraph has helpfully suggested a to-do list.